Art by Mel.K.


The Graham B Method (GBM) is a system of practices that combines breathwork, meditation, and integration. It is designed to help individuals release emotions, increase self-awareness, and cultivate inner peace. The breathwork component of the GBM is rooted in the Rebirthing tradition, which was founded by Leonard Orr in the 1970s. However, the GBM differs from traditional Rebirthing sessions in terms of its format and approach.


A traditional Rebirthing session involves lying down with closed eyes and performing the circular breath for up to 45 minutes or an hour. This can often lead to a cathartic release of trauma-related emotions, guided with the assistance of a trained Rebirther. The sessions typically take two or more hours. In contrast, the GBM is less of a session and more of a meeting, although some session elements are still present.


The GBM's breathing exercise uses the same circular breathing technique as Rebirthing but for a much shorter time and not long enough to trigger a cathartic process, although some emotional release can surface. However, the participant is encouraged to keep their eyes open during the whole process and remain conscious and fully present. If emotions do surface, the participant is encouraged to stay with the breathing technique, keep breathing, and allow the emotions to flow but not take over. The short breathing exercise is then followed by meditation that effectively integrates and helps process anything that may have been triggered during the breathwork.


The GBM's approach to releasing emotions is more subtle and mindful than traditional Rebirthing sessions. By keeping the eyes open and remaining conscious, participants are encouraged to stay present and aware of their emotions without being overwhelmed by them. This approach allows participants to process their emotions in a more gradual and controlled manner, leading to a more sustainable release of emotional energy over time.


In conclusion, the Graham B Method offers a unique approach to breathwork and emotional release that is rooted in the Rebirthing tradition but adapted for a more mindful and subtle release of emotions. By incorporating meditation and integration into the process, the GBM offers a comprehensive system for cultivating inner peace and self-awareness. While traditional Rebirthing sessions may still have their place, the GBM provides an alternative for those seeking a more gradual and sustainable approach to emotional release.



Website: Graham B Method

Artwork by: MEL.K



If you would like to learn more about circular breathing and how it can transform your life you can download my free guide available here via the link below. In this Free Guide to The Art of Circular Breathing you will discover the key to unlocking this powerful technique. In this guide, you'll learn step-by-step instructions on how to master circular breathing and gain insights into the benefits it can bring to your life on so many levels.